I just bought a small tiny book from MPH called...

Editors from legacy Malaysian Feng shui practitioner, Lillian Too and her daughter, Jennifer Too.

For me, it's kinda costly but worth to have a glimpse of your future (if you believe in Feng shui at the first place) and have a joy a bit. The price is fixed to all bookstores like Popular Bookstore. There are 12 zodiacs to choose from and they are at the same price.
I'm not sure whether the contents are truth and just a myth but there are certain things that you might want to trust. As a Chinese, I trust on it but not fully on it. About the contents, it says that the year of Tiger will very competitive and give tough time to all zodiacs. You can read the summary from the previous picture.

Now, I just realised that I'm an Earth Dragon... In my case, all the "type" of dragons except Dragons who are above 50 years old will had a bad time such as less fortune, down in love relationship and unlucky. The 50 years old Dragon will have something different and the year of 2010 will be their fortune...
So unlucky (for me...)
Some more, when I see the contents, I reach this page...

February, April, June and September is a good time for me but when I saw March, choi~ Touchwood! But when almost at the end of the year starting from September...

...it's getting better! In that period for next year, I will have my internship.

So, see your compatibility between your friends and family members based on the zodiac references?
Actually, it's up to your decision either make your life better or worse. When I read this book, I might want to follow the book instructions like having things that can avoid bad luck and increase your fortune. It might be true but on the other way, they might want you to buy their stuffs from their stores (They have a chain of shops called "World of Feng Shui" in shopping centers at KL) .

You can see some people like businessmen and corporates which are really into Feng shui stuffs mainly for their own fortune and success. I heard some of them are indeed having great time in their businesses and activities from magazine and newspapers. Is Feng shui help them or the success is brought by their own hand and effort?

So, do you trust Feng shui to judge your life or you want to lead and judge your life by your own?
A bientot!