How's My Day In UTAR Kampar?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Cameron with UTAR Buddies! (Part 2)


"That's only two type of people in the world, The ones that entertain, and the ones that observed"

He he. That's the first two line from my current jukebox, Britney Spears's Circus. I think I can apply this two sentences lyric into my blog. I entertain, other observe... :P

Okey, let us cut to the chase. On last post, this time I'll tell you about my first time.
Not THAT first time.
First time to eat Cameron...

" wtf "
*word I borrowed from Audrey*

GG man. I'm telling the truth leh...
In my previous Cameron trips, mostly with my family, we didn't had steamboat because it's not cheap in the sense of money and provided stuffs for you during the steamboat. Plus, my father didn't like it either.

So, for the first time since I got some money which I didn't spend for souvenirs and worth to try... even it's not worth to spend.

While waiting, three of us made our own face expression...

Happy... (plus with the stick-out-tongue sign)Handsome (in means of treat...)
I made a thinking-of-food face expression but I look cunning like I'm desperate to eat something.

This poor Englishman had a tough time to take the meal. See his red face? Lolz~ It's hot due to the soup and spicy due to the sauce provided by the restaurant.

*Peeeddaaaaassss~* (Spicy)
(I curi-curi took this photo... :P)

We have seen some special thingy on certain steamboat. So, we ordered that kind of specialty...
Steamboat with extra chimney. Why?
First, the bowl is not heated with ordinary flames from gas tank but with old, traditional coal. So, when the coals are burning, it will release spiking bits of flame around them. The chimney thingy keeps them from the soup or else we will have a bowl of coal soup...
Before the steamboat can put onto the table, this tray of water keeps the bottom of the bowl cool. If not, instead of having steamboat, your table will be in flame for definite. During the steamboat, the water merely going to boil when it has small tiny bubbles like when you boil a water.

Some sparks flew out from the chimney and hit us too... Just a small pain. (I don't know why we need to suffer).

We were provided with some meats such as yellow squid, meatballs, prawns and other meats. They missed one thing, raw cow and goat meat... :(
These eggs were special. The nest is made by rice vermicelli (mee bihun) instead of wigs and dried leaves. (Joking la~ :P) The eggs make the soup taste better since the soup is actually chicken broth. The noodles is an additional stuff...
Some nice and fresh vegetable from Cameron...
He was a bit hungry...
(and the Caucasian was getting redder by the way... :P)...when the pot was ready...Zupp! He took the first place to have the dinner of the day... :D
Hopefully, we can have a next trip to Cameron like that but for few more days like 2 or 3 days because our vacation was short and restricted due to the difficulty of transportation... Next time, I must bring my Avanza along for the trip... *wish, wish*

A bientot!


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