P.S.: This is a long (very long) post and most of it are photos. I've add some talk bubbles to spice up some pictures... :)
After my final semester exam, one of my friend Irena suggest a vacation to Cameron Highlands and ask me. I don't remember which day she asked me but I'm sure it's on weekdays. So, on one Friday, she called me:
Irena: Eh, Jee Lip. Tomorrow (Saturday) we go to Cameron huh.
Me: Huh? Joking izzit?
Irena: I'm not la... Tomorrow, really go to Cameron. I'm gonna buy ticket now...
Me: *shocked a bit* Umm, I ask my mum permission first...
My mum allowed me (of course) but didn't allow me to drive. That's the sad part. (Next trip with friends, I MUST DRIVE. I DON'T CARE. Lolz)
Me: Ok, buy my ticket also. But buy early because need to book hotel in morning.
Irena: ...
Me: Now where are you?
Irena: IpohMe: With Ah Lok?
Irena: Yeah...
Me: Here's the plan. You go back to Kampar and pack your things and come back to Ipoh and stay over at my home. Ok?
Irena: Emm, ok lo...
And here's her
great adventure of the day occured. (Read her post first then come back here :D)
So, we hit the trip in the early morning. Here's an
additional post from Irena.

Greenhouses (Malaysian Version)

Made of steel frames and transparent plastic canvas...

Taking picture with vehicle windows is tough. Bad effect like this, cameraman reflection will occur...

Reached Kampung Raja...

A part of the tea farm of Boh Tea Sungai Palas Tea Plantation.

Can't go to tea farm because of transportation... :(

When we arrived Brinchang (the second city of Cameron Highlands), we check-in at Titiwangsa Hotel which is just at the end of Brinchang city towards Tanah Rata (the another city of CH). Quickly, we dashed out and go for a walk in the town.

At that time, the place was kinda winding and the breeze was cold and so refreshing!

Guy version hat.

Girl version hat.

Irena brought us to a farm which is situated at a tiny little corner (which I don't know and never been before) because she said got a plant called "Venus Fly Trap".

When I saw this
Lingzhi (a medicine plant in Chinese herbs), I asked the worker around...
Me: This one quite cheap har. Can use as medicine ar?
Worker: I'm not sure but mostly it's for gardening and deco purpose. About eating it, I think no.
Cannot eat... Didn't buy.

I don't know what this plant is called but I heard that it can change color based on the pH of the soil. Blue indicates the soil is alkali and red indicates acidity. Just like the litmus paper I used during my lab session...

Most of them comes in blue color. If you want to get the red one, just put some nails on the soil. The nails will increase the acidity of the soil and you will get the red flowers!

Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) is the national flower of Malaysia. Consisting five or more large petals and an extended pistils and stamens.

The hibiscus can be very large and it's almost the same size of your palm...

I bumped into a pond of fishes and...

...It was so many! The pond is very small by the way and the Koi fishes were shoving around...

Koi traffic jam...
(Tumpang lalu = Excuse me)
Cameron is very famous in flowers such as roses, hibiscus and orchids. Mostly, roses are the attractive ones.

Here's the
Venus Fly Trap.
See? One fly becomes meal of the plant.
*Nom, nom, nom*
Spider cactus. Indeed it looked like spider legs but it's stucked on the pots. :P

I saw this poster and it's about photo competition in Cameron. I thought submitting my photo for the contest to its website is okey but they require a registration form which I didn't get. So, I just cancelled my chance for the contest. :(

Here's some parsley.

Close up in macro mode.

Some vegetables like salad...


(Don't what vege it is... :3)

If you come to Cameron, most of the gardens have their own strawberry park. You can pick your own strawberry but you must pay for it... Ain't cheap but worth...

Spotted one...

When I go that time, most of the nice, big strawberries have been picked up and the farm was left with small, tiny strawberries...

Our yield...

For those people who loves bonzai, Cameron is a suitable place to buy them, either small or big.

These are not roses but they are very reddish.

Another Koi pond but lesser fish...

Calla lily.

Cactus is quite popular in Cameron too...

Irena want this kind of shots... Creative and very nice focus...

Nepenthes (known as
periuk kera by locals which means
Monkey cups) grows on most of the tropical forest like Malaysia, Indonesia, south Thailand and other countries.

They even try to grow tomatoes too! :D
Here is
another post from Irena during the trip plus the tea time...
Posing time...
"Whacha lookin' at?!?"

I didn't realise that they are doing that during the pose and this photo was taken with my camera on tripod...
Upcoming in
Part 2 which is the first steambot I had in Cameron!
A bientot!