How's My Day In UTAR Kampar?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

4 Weeks Left

Side building of Block E

Sharing something here for a while.

I've just finished my Viva presentation of my final year project. It went well and smooth and kinda thank god for giving such a lucky day for me. So, still my thesis writing is on the move and realising that there are another 2 months for me to end my degree life.

Yeah, that's 3 years in UTAR but I might be extending my stay for little longer. Perhaps another 2 or 3 years. Suprise? I planned to work in UTAR and I hope to the the job being lab officer in my own faculty. People asked me why I should stay? Emm, that's will be a longer story I need to say but I will tell you about it after I ended my degree.

For the pass few months, I face quite a lot of problems. Relationship problems on my family and friends sidea. From what I can see now, the problems will keep bothering me but I try to keep myself away from this issue and focus on what I need to focus now.

So, wish me luck ahead and see when I have short, tiny time like now to post.

Sorry for not updating my stories here and hope you, my beloved blog readers will understand.


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