How's My Day In UTAR Kampar?

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tesco Choice (Malaysia Produced), Not My Choice!

I had a bad feeling using Tesco Choice products. Actually, there are two range of Tesco Choice Products:- Malaysia and European. By comparing them, I found the distinct difference between Malaysian products and imported products.

My mom bought a stack of Tesco Choice A4 paper last few months and I use them for some photocopies on my inkjet. Their papers are really low class even it's cheaper than other A4 paper brand. Tesco A4 papers lose its thickiness and flexibility as a good quality paper. It just like a comparison between a toilet paper and cardboard.

That's the thing I'm worrying purchasing Malaysia-made products because they don't have quality control on their products before they release them. That's Malaysia attitude of making cheap, low-class products! Zero quality control~

My advice of the day is we can buy Tesco choice products but see the details on them. If it's Malaysia product, we should think twice before we buy them. If they are imported especially from Tesco UK, no doubts on purchasing them because they are really good!

These are examples of Tesco Choice imported range... So, whenever you shop in Tesco, look for details before you buy them. That's what a smart consumer is!
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